Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

[Lirik] Silluet - Gerbang Keabadian

Artist : Silluet.
Judul : Gerbang Keabadian.

Setiap insan yang ada didunia...
Takkan abadi semasa hidupnya
Malaikat datang, sesal menghampiri
Semua sirna, musnah dalam keagungan..
Kita hidup hanya sementara
Azab dan murka - tuhan yang kuasa
Manusia tak bisa menolak dan berlari
Melawan takdir, kodrat sang Illahi..
Biar jiwa tenang berlalu
Mereguk anggur kebebasan semu
Bermahkota timbangan dosa
Yang ku perbuat selama di
Kabut hitam membelenggu hidup
Hilang terpendam dalam sukma
Mimpi datang, berkabut suram
Merasuk jiwa yang berdosa
Your twisted thought strapped within an illusion
Drawn into the throne of lust
They will fall into the pit of hell
While regret haunts their restless souls
Dan ku berharap jasad tersenyum
Iringi pergi dengan doa
Doa terindah yang pernah ada
Mungkin ringankan bebanku
Setiap insan yang ada di
Takkan abadi semasa hidupnya
Malaikat datang, sesal
Semua sirna, musnah dalam keagungan
Ku pernah mereguk manisnya mimpi
Nikmati dosa duniawi
Kunanti kehadiranmu
Digerbang keabadian.

[Lirik] Siksa Kubur - Kata Sebagai Senjata

Artist : Siksa Kubur.
Judul : Kata Sebagai Senjata.

Empat mata....
Saling bertatap muka...
Dalam perjumpaan yang perdana
Dua raja....
Dua rival beradu sapa
Perintah mengangkat senjata
Mereka bertemu bukan untuk saling membunuh
Kebencian dibalik sikap menyegani
Intonasi mengalir fasih saat bicara
Saat konflik kata tak dapat dikekang lagi
Mengobral bualan serapah
Mengumpat melumat lawan bicara
Gempuran ironi tanpa interupsi
Kata sebagai senjata
Khotbah tendensi dalam konfrontasi
Kata sebagai senjata
Merekam reka ulang kronologi berperang
Invasi menjajah teritori dan harga diri
Sebuah tawaran berujung kehancuran
Tetap bertahan dengan harga diri di tangan
Mengintimidasi menekan menjatuhkan....
Tawaran sarat impian tanpa pilihan....
Di ujung lidah sebuah frase penolakan....
Tanpa titik temu, tanpa mufakat
Berbalas laknat....
Tanpa titik temu, sarat kesumat dendam melekat

Rabu, 14 Maret 2012

[Lirik] Nosferatu - Lidah Pandora

Artist : Nosferatu.
Judul : Lidah Pandora.

Aku yang terlahir sebagai
bunga neraka
membakar indah setiap hela dosa
yang memiliki kuasa atas bisikan dalam relung ...
Aku yang menjadi kabut
Meresap hilang dalam malam
sebagai pesona atas ayat-ayat durjana
Terlahir dalam hati sang malam
Terdidik dalam hati sang malam
Terjaga di hati sang malam
Bertahta di hati sang malam
Aku adalah suara yang bertahta dalam singgasa
bela sungkawa
Biarkan, dan percayaan kegelapan
Menuntunmu dalam arti lain sebuah kegelapan.

[Lirik] Episode 666 - Terjerat

Artist : Episode 666.
Judul : Terjerat.

Satukan berat yg telah mendekam
Dalam jiwa yg penuh dengan
Yang tlah pandang aku bagai kotoran ...
Seakan hidup ini tanpa harapan
Ribuan derita dera jiwa ragaku
Goyahkan impianku
Terkam mukaku,siksa batinku
Terpurukku di rantai
Semua itu selalu menghantui
Pada setiap jejak yang ku
Sampai kapan akhir derita ini
Aku jengah dengan semua ini
Terasa hampa jalan hidupku
Teriring rasa duka dan dosa
Terus menentang ku tak meraba
Di dalam setiap ku terjerat
Ribuan derita terus mengguncang
Datang dan pergi saling
Coba bertahan terus berjalan
Mantapkan diri siap untuk menerjang

[Lirik] Burgerkill - Only The Strong

Artist : Burgerkill.
Judul : Only The Strong.

It's time, it's time
Step on up!
What makes me think that, it'll all work out in the end?
Afraid to feel bad, better
off to try and pretend
I'm immortal, immune to all that is wrong
Just keep on wishing, crossing my fingers so long
Is this helping? I'm growing weaker each day
Can't stop whining, still afraid of what I might say or reactions,
That control us one and all
It's mine, it's pure and as
decent as I can make myself
Inside, we all know, only the strong survive.
Why don't you think about that?!
Why don't you think about that?
So now I'm bleeding on myself yes once again
Seems I trusted another
deceitful friend
My fault, I should've known the deal
Keep your friends close,
but your enemies closer for real
Seems easy, but nothing could be so hard
Trying to guess life's dealing, what's the next card?
I'm surely folding,
I don't like this hand at all It's mine, it's pure and as decent as I can make myself
Inside, we all know, only the strong survive
(Why don't you think about)
Maybe things happen for
a reason and where in lies
the answer
To overcome the grieving of lifes unruly lessons
I'm handed in sucession,
It builds my pain which makes me strong
It's mine, it's pure and as
decent as
I can make myself
Inside, we all know, only
the strong survive
When it's mine, and it's
pure and, as decent as
I can make myself
Inside, we all know, only
the strong survive
Why don't you think about that?!
Why don't you think about that for a minute?

Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

[Lirik] Cradle Of Filth - A Gothic Romance

Artist : Cradle Of Filth.
Judul : A Gothic Romance.

Evening minuetto in a castle by
the sea

A jewel more radiant than the

Lowered Her mask to me

The sublimest creature the Gods, full of fire

Would marvel at making their

Infusing the air with Her
fragrant desire

And my heart reeled with grave poetry....

From grace I fell in love with Her
Scent and feline lure

And jade woodland eyes that
ushered in the impurest

"Erotic, laden fantasies a mid this warm Autumn night

She lulled me away from the rich

And together we clung in the
bloodletting moonlight"

Pearled luna, what spell didst thou cast on me?

Her icy kiss fervoured my neck

Like whispering waves 'pon
Acheron's beach

In a whirl of sweet voices and
That phantomed the dying trees

This debauched seductress in
black, took me....

In a pale azured dawn like Ligeia

I tore free of my sleep - sepulchre

On the sea misted lawn where
stone figures, forlorn

Lamented the spectre of Her
Bewildered and weak, yet with
passion replete
I hungered for past overtures

The curse of unrest and her
ardent caress

Came much more than my soul
could endure....

I, at once endeavoured to see Her again

Stirring from midnight's inertia
Knowing not even her name

On a thin precipice over carnal

I danced like a blind acolyte
Drunk on red wine, her dead lips
on mine

Suffused with the perfume of

For hours I scoured the
surrounding grounds
In vain that we might meet

When storm clouds broke,
ashened fatigued

I sought refuge in a cemeterty

Sleep, usher dreams
Taint to nightmares from a sunless nether

Mistress of the dark
I now know what thou art

Screams haunt my sleep

Dragged from nightmares thou
hast wed together
Lamia and Lemures
Spawned thee leche

To snare my flesh
Portrait of the Dead Countess

Deep stained pain that I had

Flaunted demise, life's

Leaving little strength to seal this wretched tomb....

But poised nectar within my stirs

Up feverous desire and morbid
purpose to search

Through cobwebbed drapery to
where she swoons
Goddess of the graveyard, of
the tempest and moon

In flawless fatal beauty her very
visage compels

Glimpses of a heaven where
ghost companies fell
To mourning the loss of god in
blackest velvet

Enrobed in their downfall like a
swift silhouette

"Fleeting, enshadowed
Thou art privy to my sin
Secrets dead, wouldst thou

The cruel daylights upon my

Dost thou not want to worship
With crimson sacrifice
So my cunt may twitch against
thy kiss

And weep with new-found life?"

Red roses for the Devil's whore....

Dark angels taste my tears
And whisper haunting requiems

Softly to mine ear

Need-fires have lured
abominations here....

Nocturnal pulse

My veins spill forth their waters
Rent by lips I cherish most

Awash on her perfidious shores

Where drowning umbra o'er the

Ebon's graves where lovers
Like seraphim and Nahemah

Pluck out mine eyes, hasten,

Blind reason against thee,

Enchantress For I must know, art thou not

My heart echoes bloodless and

Doth temptation prowl night in
vulvic revelry
Did not the Queen of Heaven
come as Devil to me?

On that fatal Hallow's
Eve when
we fled company

As the music swept around us in
the crisp, fated leaves
UNder horned Diana where her
bloodline was sewn

In a graveyard of Angels rent in
cool marbled stone

I am grieving the loss of life in
sombre velvet
Enrobed in Death's shadow like a

[Lirik] Anueta - Murka

Artist : Anueta.
Judul : Murka.

Sang Surya Menghitam
Bumi Pun Seakan Murka...
Menyambut Kabut Hitam
Tenggelamkan Alam Semesta
Membuka Semua Dosa
Selimuti Raga Manusia
Seluruh Umat Tak Kuasa
Terhampar Di Padang Siksa
Menggapi Mimpi Yang Telah Mati
Tak Ada Hati Dan Nurani

# Sang Surya Menghitam
Bumi Pun Seakan Murka
Menyambut Kabut Hitam
Tenggelamkan Alam Semesta
Membuka Semua Dosa
Selimuti Raga Manusia
Seluruh Umat Tak Kuasa
Terhampar Di Padang Siksa

Sakit Menjerit Dan Menangis
Tenggelam Dalam...
Lumuran Dosa...
Sang Surya Menghitam
Bumi Pun Seakan Murka
Menyambut Kabut Hitam
Tenggelamkan Alam Semesta
Membuka Semua Dosa
Selimuti Raga Manusia
Seluruh Umat Tak Kuasa
Terhampar Di Padang Siksa

[Lirik] Cradle Of Filth - A Dream Of Wolves In The Snow

Artist : Cradle Of Filth.
Judul : A Dream Of Wolves In The Snow.

May dreams be brought that I might reach..
the gentle strains of midnight
and frozen stars that gild the forest floor
Through the swirling snow
Volkh's children come to run with me, to hunt as one
to snatch the lambs of christ
from where they fall...
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